It’s Christmas Eve and I thought I’d share a few pieces of art that touch upon the holiday.
First up is a Chuck Jones storyboard from How The Grinch Stole Christmas, adapted from the classic Dr. Seuss tale. This is the moment when the Grinch discovers the meaning of Christmas. Love them stars!

Bil Keane’s Family Circus has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. Sure the strip is corny, but it also has a genuine warmth that appeals to me. Several of my friends also appreciate my fondness for Keane’s work--because it gives them endless opportunities to mock me. This particular daily reminds me of my son, Sam.

Dan DeCarlo, to me, was the quintessential Betty & Veronica artist. He was to Archie what Jack Kirby was to Marvel and Carl Barks was to Ducks. This cover showcases his wonderful sense of humor. Dan was a real character, he always reminded me of the guy who would chase the secretary around a desk at the company Christmas party. But I imagined that if he caught her he’d talk about his wife, Josie. I miss Dan; he was a terrific guy.

Reid Fleming, the World’s Toughest Milkman, isn’t generally associated with Christmas; David Boswell, in his unique way, manages to capture the spirit of the season.

Dick Moores stepped into some big shoes when he took over Gasoline Alley from Frank King. A lesser talent would have stumbled along; Moores danced to a different tune but it was nearly as beautiful.

Here's a nice piece of art that my best friend,
Shawn McManus, did for me nearly 20 years ago. It’s one of a series of original art ads that ran in the Comics Buyers Guide. I wish the scan did the delicate line work justice.

If you feel like exploring more original comic art, holiday themed or not, check out
comicartfans; it's a great way to pass an hour or two.
Best wishes to everyone for a happy holiday and a fine new year!
Great images Scott! I was wondering if that was actually you at CAF. Now I know lol. Happy Holidays man!
In a world of increasing numbers of comic curmudgeons, I'm glad to see an industry veteran who is willing to say:
"Bil Keane’s Family Circus has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. Sure the strip is corny, but it also has a genuine warmth that appeals to me."
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. Your blog was a welcome addition to the mix in 2007.
Thanks for the kind words, qatim, hope you had a great holiday. You too, jrtist.
We had family over and all went very nicely.
ive always liked family circus strip because they were the only strip with a circular border. and the art makes my day.
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Several of my friends also appreciate my fondness for Keane’s work--because it gives them endless opportunities to mock me.
This cover showcases his wonderful sense of humor..
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