Here's a batch of pictures, all taken Friday. For the sake of expediency I’m going to try and keep this briefer than my usual verbose descriptions.
Okay, you know you're in the right hotel when you walk in and see this.

Here's Jim Lee and his art dealer,
Albert Moy, caught in the midst of heavy negotiations--gotta keep those art dealer types in line!

Oh, and is it me, or does that hat Jim's wearing look familiar...?

Here's a shot of writer/publisher
Richard Starkings. Besides being the driving force behind Elephantmen, Richard also dabbles in lettering.

On the left is JG Roshell. JG is the very talented designer who, amongst others, is responsible for the look of Astro City.
The gentleman below is my old buddy Peter Maresca who published the finest Winsor McCay book of all time a couple of years ago,
So Many Splendid Sundays. Keep 'em coming, Pete!

Darwyn Cooke on the left, with his sometime collabortor J. Bone. I worked with these two fine gents on The Spirit and it was a pleasure to catch up with them again here. The animated version of Darwyn's The New Frontier will be screened tonight at the show, looking forward to catching it.

A happy Arthur Adams manning his spot in artist's Alley.

A few seats down from Arthur is Jeff Campbell, who was also riding shotgun on the drive up to San Francisco. Jeff's good company on a long drive, he can talk almost as much as me... almost.

Bob Wayne, gazing off dreamily, getting a peck on the cheek from Mimi Cruz of
Night Flight Comics in Utah. I asked Mimi if it was okay to post this shot to my blog and she said sure, just not to tell her husband. So, anyone reading this, please keep mum--there are reputations at stake here.

Howard Chaykin, one of my favorite phone pals, and Glen Gold, writer of
Carter Beats The Devil as well as a short story in Spirit #13.

I couldn't decide if I should put "The dreaded Wolver-Noto!" on this one or, "Crap, I forgot I owed Phil Noto money!" You decide.

These pictures have been all out of order but this was the last one of the night so I'm ending with it too. My old friends Mike Mignola and Mike Carlin. We didn't close the bar, far from it at our age, but had a lot of fun and much laughter talking and telling stories with them.

And, I gotta say, Mike (Mignola) made my day when he told me how much his wife likes my blog--thanks, Christine, this one is dedicated to you.