As has been reported, I am no longer with WildStorm. Rest assured my family and I are all well and I am optimistic about the future.
I would like to thank Jim Lee and John Nee for their trust, support and friendship over the past 12 years. If there are two finer men in this business I haven't met them. Also, I would like to express my gratitude to all the employees, past and present, who make up the heart of WildStorm, it's been a pleasure to work with each one of you.
Additionally, I've been fortunate enough to be associated with many of the finest creators in comics. The efforts of these very talented folks went a long way in making me look good. I greatly appreciate the loyalty you've shown me over the years and I look forward to working with many of you in the future.
Finally, thanks to all the fans (including all you guys on the WildStorm message boards) for your support, and to all the professionals who have reached out to me. They say you find out who your friends are when something like this happens. You know what? I've got a lot of friends.
Scott Dunbier
I was sad to hear about you leaving Wildstorm and I also wanted you to know that the members of the WS board appreciated you popping in on us from time to time. I have no doubt that you’ll land in another great place. Good Luck and thanks again for all the good work.
The Higher Authority
Hey Scott!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the change-- I saw John at SDCC back in July (along with a bunch of other ex-WildStormers) but did not want to pursue what was then a rumor.
Hope all continues to go well. Visit my blog if you like ( and catch up on what I've been doing since, oh, early '96...
Drew Bittner
WildStorm Class of 1996
Good luck with your future plans man!! missed ya last con... now i know what happened
ReplyDeleteCuidate !!
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I am optimistic about his future endeavors.